…Your Journey ‘From Zero to Hero‘
This Life Program (Book) [either on paper or in digital form – you decide how you want to implement it] should be kept close at hand at all times…
Follow these instructions, implement them in your own life, and observe and experience the shift of life itself towards the achievement(s) of your soul’s desire…” … they fear their higher self because when it speaks, it speaks with demandingly” a statement made by Fredrick Nietzsche. Be brave and take the first steps of action towards mastering the planning and implementation of living an inspired life on purpose.
On the next few pages you will find space to write down your own desires, goals, vision, mission and/or purpose; and your current idea of success…[I will strongly recommend that you start in pencil – because as you move through this journey, you’ll find that your paradigms will shift and thus your input on the previous statements will change as well.]
Developing Mastery of Intention [As I received this gift free – I am paying it forward to you for free – download the guided meditation onto your own device for ease of access and use]
This link will take you through a guided meditation to assist you in mastering your intentions with gratitude.
It is especially for you, all be it the first, second, third or one-hundredth time that you start this planning and implementation of this life program (book) to master your own life journey.
[Between us, I have restarted at this point too many times to mention… however, every time I start again, I [did] do not start at Zero, for I had the experience and lessons learned from the previous failed attempts]
Listen to the guided meditation first, before you continue…
Following on the above-mentioned pages you will find space to write a precise and clear statement of intent – that which you are willing to give in return for that which you desire from life. Begin right here and right now in some way or form to pay it forward.
Memorise and repeat your written statement(s) of intent a dozen times daily…(well, really at a bare minimum at least twice a day; once in the morning [dawn] and once at night [dusk])… and of course at those times when you are tosing-and-turning in your bed at night or when you are feeling lost during the day because of the ‘Monsters’ in your mind keeping peace-of-mind illusive from you.
Always, always, remember to end your statement with humble gratitude for the blessings, balance and synergy you received at birth (or your own version thereof…)
In the words of Jim Rohn… “I wish for you a life of wealth, health and happiness, a life which gives you a gift to yourself – the gift of patience, the virtue of reason, the value of knowledge and the influence of faith in your own ability to dream about and achieve worthy rewards!”
“The Great Doa (Toa/The Way/The Source/The Universe… by whatever Name you call your Most Highest by) follows everywhere both left and right. It loves and nourish all things, but does not Lord over them and when merits are accomplished it lays no claim to them” – Lao Tzu [Toa te Ching]
- The more you relinquish power and give your request to the Univers/Doa/Toa/The Way/The Source, your personal Deity, and believe and trust in full faith that it is already so … the more powerful you become.
- This fact has been recorded in the Bible, the Tora, the Coran, the Toa te Ching, the Law of Attractions… it is a Natural Law which has always been true and will continue to be true long after your generation has been forgotten in the history of humankind, whether you believe in it or not.
“The secret to being the best is to actually getting started. It is the decision that leads to action, that leads to success” – Mark Twain
“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.” – Napolean Hill as received from his mentor Andrew Carnegie and the twenty years of research he did on the subject. Napolean Hill, the author of ‘Think and Grow Rich’ core ideas and practical implementations are found throughout this Life program (book). As an additional resource for you – here is the link to the full-length film he made about his particular book, as well as, the link to a PDF version of the book…
- Film [Link – as received free, I am paying it forward to you]
- Book [Link – as received free from PDFDrive.net]
- Animated – 5 of the 13 Principles explained [For paid clients/coachees/students only – link will be provided]
- The 5 Essential Principles of Think and Grow Rich [For paid clients/coachees/students only – link will be provided]
“Change almost never fails because it is too early. It almost always fails because it is too late” – Seth Godin – Author of 19 International Best Sellers translated into 35 languages.
“The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire, the size of your dreams and how you handle disappointment along the way.” – Robert T. Kiyosaki – Author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad and the follow-on books in the series.
“I am not the product of my circumstances. I am the product of my decisions” – Stephen Covey – Author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
“Our creations are reminding us of something within ourselves” – Gregg Braden
Let us not be limited by our surroundings… but believe in full faith in the greatness we hold within ourselves as illustrated by the great masters such as Loa Tzu, Jesus, Buddha and many more Ascended Masters.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against power, against rules of darkness of this world, against spiritual weakness in high places… It’s not the lead load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it” – Lou Hotz.
You have now read this far … and should you already have sold yourself on the benefit of following this journey… I wish you a prosperous journey!
Now, let’s get started!
[Go back to the main page for ‘From Zero to Hero’ for the next step]