Guest Post: Tips for when you need a website and have limited funds.

Original post: Maria Marsala (27 May 2018)

The goal of course is to add a line to your budget for website design/updates and have a website designed that is geared towards your ideal clients.

If your clients are doctors, they’d expect to see a certain kind of website from an advisor they are researching.  If your clients are single moms, you need a website geared to them.

But what if you don’t have the 4K-7K to have a website built for you? 

What could you do? 

Below are some options to get you started…


For a start-up website, you need a Home, Services, About You, About Us, and Contact page.  I would also add a link to wherever the New Account documents can be found and to any portfolio management systems that clients can view.

Hosting and Domain Names

Consider that any hosting company you work with offers you SSL (that little “s” at the end of the HTTP in a URL).  Some companies will offer the service free, while others charge 50-75 for a certificate and may charge you for putting the “s” on your site.

Consider this.  Choose firms that can grow WITH you.  Meaning, you can buy a lower package now, but in a year,  you can upgrade!

[… For more information on Hosting, Domains and Costing -> Contact Us Directly …]

Cheap companies and cheap or the low end of many hosting and web design packages often include the branded links, domains they can hold hostage or they put your site on their site, instead of using your own URL.

Whatever company you choose, only do so after making sure their templates are “responsive”  (easily viewable on a computer, laptop, notepad, smart phone) and take a good long look at their templates.  Find one that you love just the way it already is.  Adjusting templates is very time-consuming and can be costly.

SiteGround – Their Startup program is best for most small business owners on a very limited budget.   They offer a website builder and an easy way to put a basic WordPress website and blog on the site.  Once you put WP on your site, it’s up to you to find and buy a theme*.  You can buy your URL (domain name) on their site or I prefer to not have hosting and my domain through the same company, and I use and recommend, Dynadot.   SSL is placed on your domain for free (just ask them).

For themes, I highly recommend that you get something very easy to use.  Find a company that offers you themes similar to the look of the WordPress website you will love for a year or two.  WordPress offers free themes, however, the last time I looked, I couldn’t find something I liked that was modern.  Let me go back a step…  I did find themes I liked in WP free themes, but in order to get the options I wanted, I needed to purchase the pro version of the theme.  But honestly, I’m still looking around.  

[… For more information on Hosting, Domains and Costing ->Contact Us Directly …]

*There are also many web designers on Fiveer and Upfront who can fix what you created using your time and theme.  Test them out on a small project before paying them for a larger project.

  • 2018 Elevating You Business: Coach Maria Marsala

P.S. Here is the document we used to start, plan and implement our website from -> Small Business Website Planning [PDF – Free Instant Download] [Edible Copy]

To your continued success – YEVL (Pty) Ltd.

*For more information on any of the subjects covered in this blog, feel free to contact us directly… all contact details are provided below. 

With Love, Gratitude & Grace, 

  • Yvonne E. Venter-Louw 
  • YEVL (Pty) Ltd. Director & Principal  
  • Researcher, Advisor, Educator, Coach, Mentor and Speaker 
  • The Psychological Impact and Rehabilitation of past experiences on Daily Driven Financial Decisions  
  • [Cert. Financial Planning + GIBS MLOLP  + RE5 + Cert. Financial Coaching + Dip. Psychology + Hypnosis + NLP + Subliminal Therapy + Numerology + Energy Healing]  

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