Never In Your Wildest Dreams – eBook


This book is GOLD: Never In Your Wildest Dreams.

It’s the bestselling book from Natalie Ledwell, the co-founder of Mind Movies…
It’s 2:00 am here as I write this, and I can’t stop reading it!

Here’s my favourite quote so far:

“You don’t need to know how you are going to achieve a goal. Your job is to know what it is that you want and to visualize that in your mind every day while feeling the emotions of living that life. Then all you need to do is take action. Take any action in the direction of that goal and experience the ‘magic’ of the Law of Attraction.”

I really love this, it’s so true!

Natalie has a unique way of simplifying profound law of attraction concepts, and this book is no exception.

It’s especially transformational if you’re feeling stuck, frustrated with the law of attraction, or held back in life.

I promise that as soon as you pick up this book you’ll start to:

  • Shake off the self-sabotaging beliefs, thought patterns, and models of reality that rob you of the success and fulfilment you deserve (if you’re like most people, you’ll be surprised when you find out how many are wedged in your subconscious).
  • Shape your personal game plan for finally achieving your biggest dreams – no matter what’s holding you back now, or how many times you’ve failed in the past.
  • Learn Natalie’s most powerful personal growth techniques in a series of immersive training videos that complement each chapter of your book.

Seriously, once you dive into this book, you’ll find it hard to put down.

Go here to read Never In Your Wildest Dreams now and get ready to be sucked into its fascinating story!

With Love, Gratitude and Grace,

Yvonne E Venter-Louw

  • YEVL (Pty) Ltd. Founding Director & Principal
  • Researcher, Advisor, Educator, Coach, Mentor, and Motivational Speaker
  • Personal Thesis: The Psychological Impact and Rehabilitation of Past Experiences on Daily Driven Financial Decisions
  • [Certified Financial Planner + GIBS MLOLP (MBA) + RE5 + K1 + Certified Financial Coach + Diploma Psychology + Certified Hypnotherapy, NLP, Subliminal Therapy, Numerology, Energy Healing Therapies]
  • Contact Details:
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Warning: this is the kind of page-turner that will have you reading “one last chapter” until sunrise. It’s that goooood!

Download your free copy of Natalie Ledwell’s bestselling book now!