Career Change, Is it for a Baby Boomer?

There are fewer worries when you’re a kid. Your parents provide for all your material and emotional needs. As a person grows old, their needs and wants also grow with them. And finally, when they graduate college, it is now time to start a life of their own.

Looking for the right career that is of great interest to you can be quite hard. But if you successfully choose a good career and decide to keep it, you’re life will be worth living.

There are many career paths to take. So before anything else, you should make sure that you’re on the right path. Oftentimes, people end up with a job or career that they are not interested in; they simply manage to push through with it because they need the money.

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Guest Blog: How to start a business with what you have

Published: NSBC – 31 May 2017

Have you ever looked at famous entrepreneurs and wondered how they got to where they are?

Where did they start?

Many successful entrepreneurs have started from humble beginnings and with what they have. You may think you cannot start a business with what you have, but it takes fewer resources than you might think. Combined with passion and tenacity, you could be well on your way to becoming the next great entrepreneur. Here are some aspects to consider:

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What is ‘Telos’? The Greek Concept of Purpose and Meaning…

The Greek word “telos” means “end, goal, or purpose.” It is a concept that has been explored by philosophers for centuries. In Greek philosophy, telos is often used to refer to the ultimate purpose of human existence…