Taking a long hard look at our reality…

Today, I am at a loss for words… I am sitting here thinking to myself and contemplating ways to grow out of this destruction. How… How can I best be of service? How can I make a difference? How can anyone person stand up in the face of danger and destruction, and make a difference? … Read more

Thursdays In Black

The first day I heard of “Thursdays In Black“, I almost started crying… Not because of the way the presentation was done by Lyn van Rooyen or even the stats that was mentioned … It was the fact that deep inside to me that little voice screamed “Hallelujah”  Finally, there is some manner to show support … Read more

Recovery from abuse … from a personal perspective

Research shows that domestic violence against women remains widespread and mostly unreported… and this factor is the same with violence against children… Yet, in this day and age – a person would think that these, our role models should be better educated… should be more caring, but still, we find that that there are so many ‘Little … Read more