You Deserve Better…

#MorningMotivation #MorningClearingThought

I believe it was Albert Einstein who was quoted saying ‘never stop questioning’ … His quote might have been directed at science, however, of what I know of Einstein, I do believe it was directed at all of Life itself.

Think about it… if we only sit back and accept what we are told, we as humanity would have never been able to progress as far forward as we are today in Technology and Science; yet we accept being feed beautiful lies in everyday life? Furthermore, we try to ignore painful truths…

We as humanity have a build-in sense of curiosity and inherent urge to seek the truth and proof there of, yet somewhere in our upbringing we were programed to just accept what we are told and given.

Just look at the world around us, better yet, let’s look at your own reality…

Are we living our best life?

Are we allowing others to rule our lives?

Or do we deserve better? And what are we going to do about it?

With Love, Gratitude and Grace

Yvonne E Venter-Louw

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