From Zero to Hero:

The starting point of all achievement is a desire”

– Napolean Hill

A Big Picture Blueprint to Mastering Planning and Living an Inspiring Life!

  • The Legacy You Leave for the Next Generation (… and generations to come)
  • The Psychological impact (and rehabilitation or reprogramming) of past experiences on daily-driven decisions and actions.

When I set out to find solutions for my own issues in life… it surprised me how many more went through similar (well sort of – each in a slightly different way) throughout history; some still get stuck in their issues to this day. This program (and book) is intended to be a practical educational resource, filled with workable solutions to these issues.

Your Personal Guide to Naturally creating and experiencing your own Freedom, Meaning and Wealth!– Yvonne E. Venter-Louw … YEVL (Pty) Ltd.

  • Naturally (True Self / Nature): True to natural self and nature. Where possible, restoring well-being and harmonious balance using natural/organic/alternative means.
  • Freedom (Order): ‘At the end of the day life is meant to serve us… not we be a slave to it. Creating order through organised systems gives us a strong foundation to build incredible achievements.
  • Meaning (Culture): Relationship with one-self, our spirituality, our society, our work, our place in the Universe. The culture we instil in ourselves creates a ‘Butterfly Effect’ on the entire Universe.
  • Wealth (Profit): What do you accumulate, re-invest and keep in the form of assets? Might these assets be knowledge, relationships, money, business, property, equity, or any kind of other assets; and what are the beneficial rewards or returns after their cost have been covered? Or are you just busy negatively gearing into liabilities? Ultimately, what can you show as your return on the investment you made in your own life…
  • The Greatest Gift to Humankind (Free Will): You hold within yourself the greatest gift given to the human species – Free Will. You always, always have the freedom of choice. No matter the reality you find yourself in. Should you have the capability to think, you have the capability to choose… Thus, it is completely up to you – your own decision – to continue … Or not. Accept the information as provided and implement it in your own life … Or not. It Is Your Choice!
    • However, ask yourself this question and answer 100% honestly … Are you content with your current reality and the direction you are going? Should you answer “Yes”, we thank you for visiting our page and bid you a gracious farewell. Should you answer “No”, we cordially invite you to continue reading further…

Now, should you still choose to move forward, you have THREE Options to select from…

  1. Full Upfront Payment: This option provides access to the full ‘From Zero to Hero’ package including 52 weekly one-on-one coaching sessions.
  2. Step-by-Step Payment: This option provides access month-to-month to the ‘From Zero to Hero’ package. This includes all the full content of the package and 52 one-on-one coaching sessions, however, on a slow release based on the individual’s own affordability and availability.
  3. As-and-When: This option is for the individual who prefers to select a specific section and/or specific digital products only, to do so in their own time and affordability.

Take Note At any stage and any time the individual can select a specific single product or combined package to purchase and use in his/her personal capacity in his/her own time, without any one-on-one coaching. However, the individual will still be afforded access to contact YEVL (Pty) Ltd. directly for personal assistance at any time.

P.S.: Bookmark this page for Your-Own-Personal future reference… To ensure you are the first to see all updates of our free and paid resources uploaded in real-time.


Section #11: Be Your Own Future Hero

Keywords: Vision, Mission, Purpose, Intent, Personal Why, Values, Code of Honour, Goals, Intuitive, Creative, Inspirational, Illuminator, Spiritual Messenger, Uplifts Humanity, Nervous Energy, Visionary, Revelations, Master Planners

Section #1: Lead By Your Own Example


  • Personal Development
    • Confidence
  • Leadership

Section #3: Harmony in Self-Expression


  • Self-Promotion
  • Marketing

Section #4: Editing Your Own Life’s User Manual


  • S.O.P.’s (Standard Operating Procedures) & Systems
  • Context

Section #8: Practically Materialize Profits towards Financial Independence


  • Knowing the Numbers
  • Accounting –
  • Financial –
  • Business –
  • – Management

Section #9: Forgiveness is not just an Act of Kindness


  • Within and Without
  • Community – All is One & One is All

Section #33: Paying-It-Forward


  • Guide and Teach the next in line

Bonus: Let Your ‘Angels’ Guide You


  • Karma and Other Universal Laws – Whether you believe in them or not
  • Dreams, Omens, Signs and their Messages – How Your Subconsciousness Communicates with You.