50 Best Practices …


50 Best Practices… For living a well-designed life [Original: DayDesigner.com]

Very few people know what I have truly been through in my life, although some knew something was happening over the previous two years (2014 & 2015) – everyone I had personal contact with kept on asking me “How do you do it? How do you keep it all together?”

Honestly – at times I wasn’t. There were things that did slip through my fingers, opportunities that were lost, bridges that got burnt and, well things that I just did not even take notice of. There are hundreds of excuses and reasons I could come up with why I did not have it all under control … but at the end of the day, there is only one truth…


Yes, the circumstance of health issues are never planned, being diagnosed with a pregnancy at twenty weeks or the medical implications of medication that was taken in those twenty weeks on the babies or me; nor the resulting medical issues of a thirty-two-week-old baby being delivered and being resuscitated in theatre and all the after-effects. And then when I thought we are through with hospitals, my husband’s cancer diagnoses – I mean who plans to have cancer?

All I can say now is, THANK YOU! Thank you for the lessons that I have learned through the past two years and thank you that I was strong enough to get up every morning and keep going through it all.

But this is not a newspaper article to sing my songs of woe. I merely mentioned these facts to illustrate a point to you.


Yes, I know there are those that say I do not have time waste sitting and organising everything and then structure a plan like itsy-bitsy-tiny-pieces of a puzzle about how my life should be …. And for those individuals, I am only going to say this – things are only going to get worse if you don’t.

Take it from me, the way I was running my business, family, home and life before is not how the successful individual does it. If I did not change my way of thinking …. And doing; I would still be sitting somewhere in a corner sobbing my eyes out!

I am writing this blog to prove to you that there is an affordable way anyone – and yes I mean anyone – can get their life back on track ….  if they are willing to take the time to do it. I have done it and although it has taken me the past year to get it implemented I can honestly say that I now have this sorted.

How you might ask – well, I am not going to say it is easy…. Because truthfully, it is not!

To take stock of your whole life, if you have never been taught how to do it or even tried to implement it – it is going to take some time and a lot of hard work. And I am not referring to taking stock of your financial situation, which I do with my eyes closed for clients every day… I am referring to taking stock of your life as a whole, my life might be busier than some other’s life – but to honestly take stock of my business, our home, the boys homeschooling and …. my own dreams, desires and goals …. and have it all balanced the in the same way a balance sheet should…

Well, that is a totally different matter.

I have made it my mission in life to find solutions and tools to implement in my own life – but could not find one holistic solution; however, I have created my own solutions and found a couple of gems. As you will notice I have pre-loaded several for any and everybody to access …. -> Click here

And here are some business tools I have found to assist me to be more energy-efficient, and deliver more productivity.

Commun.it – Social Marketing Tracking Tool: A real-time saver by having all in one spot, with recommendations of what to do next. What a Gem! I save me time, I can now actually track and thank each individual for their engagement.

NitroFocus – Subliminal Learning / Brainwave MP3: With this MP3 I am able to ‘zone in’ and just get things done. Brilliant, especially when I am sitting in front of my laptop.

Sleeping Salon – Brainwave MP3: For those nights when my body is just so tired but my brain is going at a thousand miles per hour of what I still want to do.

ZEN12 – An hour’s meditation squeezed into 12 minutes, with the boys’ understanding and my business commitments, it is so much easier to get 12 minutes for a refreshing break than trying to get a full hour. Just works perfectly for me.

Pool of Positive Thinking – eBook: I was able to bring inner peace, success, improved relationships, better health, happiness and satisfaction to my own life.

Command & Control – eBook: Help me to take command of my own life.

I hope some of these tools are as useful to you as they were to me.

Join my mailing list and I will send you all the little gems I have found from all around the globe -> Click here

To our continued success,


With Love, Gratitude and Grace,
Yvonne E. Venter-Louw

  • Founding Director and Principal Advisor/ Coach/ Mentor
  • [Certified: -Financial Planner, -Financial Management, -Financial Coach, -Life Coach, Hypnotherapist (Subliminal & NLP), Numerologist, Herbologist, RE5, KI1, MBA, MLOLP, Accredited CMS, Dip. Psych.]
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