Telos and the Problem of Evil: Why Does Suffering Exist?

  • Release for Public view 2023/08/18                       
  • From Zero to Hero: Part of the Introduction                        
  • Vision to “Telos” – Greek Philosophy      

The problem of evil is one of the most difficult questions that has been asked by philosophers and theologians for centuries. If God is all-good, all-powerful, and all-knowing, why does suffering exist in the world?

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Telos and the Nature of God: The Divine Plan for the Universe

  • Release for Public view 2023/08/18                      
  • From Zero to Hero: Part of the Introduction                       
  • Vision to “Telos” – Greek Philosophy     

The ancient Greeks believed that the universe was governed by a divine plan. They called this plan the telos, or purpose. The telos of the universe was to achieve perfection, and they believed that God was the one who had created this plan and was responsible for carrying it out.

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What is ‘Telos’? The Greek Concept of Purpose and Meaning…

The Greek word “telos” means “end, goal, or purpose.” It is a concept that has been explored by philosophers for centuries. In Greek philosophy, telos is often used to refer to the ultimate purpose of human existence…