Building Wealth: Beyond Budgeting – Embracing the Long-Term Perspective

In our fast-paced world, building wealth has become a focal point for individuals seeking financial security and abundance. Traditionally, budgeting has been the go-to method for managing finances, but what if we told you there’s a transformative approach that goes beyond mere budgeting? …

Wealth – Business Entrepreneurs Ideas Trends

Ideas for Entrepreneurs: Realities of Home Based Internet Business Trends Before your eye gloss with the thought of establishing your own home-based business via the Internet, let us first have a reality check and check the trends. Entrepreneurs venturing into the World Wide Web typically have dreams of having time all for themselves, sitting on … Read more

Wealth: Important Characteristics Every Entrepreneur Must Have

Are you planning to start and run your own business? Do you know the right qualifications and characteristics an entrepreneur must have to succeed? Does your profile match that of a successful entrepreneur? In this article, we will explore and discuss the essential characteristics that every entrepreneur must-have…

Wealth: Business Ideas Entrepreneur

Starting a Business takes a lot of thinking and planning. Finding an excellent business idea can be a daunting task – what with the different options of business ideas you can choose from. In this article, we will explore the process of finding the right business idea to start on as well as offer some of the hottest and most popular business ideas. A successful business does take a great idea to begin with. However…

Guest Post: Tips for when you need a website and have limited funds.

Original post: Maria Marsala (27 May 2018) The goal of course is to add a line to your budget for website design/updates and have a website designed that is geared towards your ideal clients. If your clients are doctors, they’d expect to see a certain kind of website from an advisor they are researching.  If your … Read more

Re-Blog: How financial advisers get it wrong when they discussing insurance with clients

I have found this refreshing and accurate of what is happening in my profession, and I thought I’ll share it with you – as I could not have written it better… “Clients are too often being presented with comparisons of hypothetical values for the in-force policy versus some sales proposal/illustration” By Barry Flagg – Nov 7, … Read more

What is in your financial cupboard?

It is our ability to choose that makes us human → Madeleine L’ Engle The good life is the enemy of a great life → Nancy Dornan  The future belongs to those Who belief in the beauty of their dreams → Elenor Roosevelt Dreams come a size too big, so that we can grow into … Read more

The easiest Way to Create Articles – Public Domain!

Many webmasters find writing articles for their sites to be a very tedious task. Many people who need to write articles also procrastinate as much as they can to delay the amount of writing they need to do. Many people dread writing articles because they find researching the topic and writing down original materials will be too taxing on them…
(Read to the end – Updated with AI Tools to assist you in writing articles)

Preparing our children for their financial futures…

Honestly, I have a deep dislike for going to any bank’s branch. No matter what, by appointment or not, you end up waiting and waiting and waiting… During my last visit waiting – I did, however, discover a little gem I would like to share with you. In this specific bank’s own marketing magazine, I found … Read more