The Science of Success: How Visualization Techniques Can Drive Business Growth and Personal Development

In today’s competitive business landscape, success is not solely determined by hard work and determination; it also requires a strategic approach to personal development and goal achievement. Entrepreneurs and business owners, in particular, understand the power of visualization in driving business growth and realizing their own potential…

Life Coaching: The Secret Ingredient to Personal Development

Ever feel like you’re stuck on a hamster wheel, spinning but not getting anywhere? You’re not alone. We all hit roadblocks in life, moments when our goals seem fuzzy, and our path unclear. That’s where life coaching steps in, not as a magic potion, but as the secret ingredient to…

Time spent with people you love

Another weekend has come and gone… and Christmas is now really peeping around the corner. Standing at the beginning of a new week in the last part of the year, take a moment to reflect on how much time (quantity and quality time) have you really spend with those that you love this year…

An Entrepreneur’s Biography

Is Spearheading a Business meant for You? Not because you’ve got the capital to start a business means that you will be assured of being successful with your business. The truth is, not all people are meant to be successful in running a business. Logically speaking, not every individual is tailored to become one fine … Read more

The Fun of Starting a Business (Guest Post)

So you had that fantastic business idea, the one that’s going to be wildly successful and make you a fortune – even better, you actually did something about it and started your own business. Good for you! Not everyone gets that far. Most people sit and daydream about what they might do if only…

S.A. Quote: Decisions

“To make decisions without thought is like participating in a steeplechase with bandaged eyes.” Jack Penn (Surgeon, Philosopher, Artist) Would it surprise you to know that approximately only 3% of the global population actually do proper planning? Making decisions without thinking about them properly.  Impulsive and uncalculated decisions. Almost just living on instinct… I do … Read more

Telos in Modern Philosophy…

The Legacy of the Ancient Greeks

The ancient Greek concept of telos, or purpose, has had a profound influence on modern philosophy. The Greek philosophers believed that everything in the universe has a telos and that this telos is the source of its meaning and value….

Telos and the Meaning of Death…

What Happens to Our Telos When We Die?

The concept of telos, or purpose, has been a topic of philosophical debate for centuries. Some believe that our purpose in life ends when we die, while others believe that it continues in some way.

The ancient Greeks were also interested in the question of telos and death. They believed that the universe was governed by a divine plan or telos. However, they also believed that death was not the end of our existence. They believed that our souls continued to exist after death and that they could be reincarnated into new bodies.

Telos and Free Will: Can We Choose Our Own Purpose in Life?

  • Release for Public view 2023/08/18                        
  • From Zero to Hero: Part of the Introduction                         
  • Vision to “Telos” – Greek Philosophy    

The concept of telos, or purpose, has been a topic of philosophical debate for centuries. Some believe that our purpose in life is predetermined, while others believe that we have the freedom to choose our own purpose.

The ancient Greeks were also interested in the question of telos and free will. They believed that the universe was governed by a divine plan or telos. However, they also believed that humans had free will and could choose their own path in life.

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